16 February 2016
I have a topic weighing heavy on my heart and this topic has weighed heavy for years now, but more within the past year. I had a conversation with a person last night who is so incredibly precious to me. She will simply never know just how much she means to me and what she has taught me. Without her words of wisdom, I would not be the person I am today.
This person reads tarot cards and she feels she is a psychic - one who delves into that which lies outside the realm of physical knowledge; one who delves into the immaterial or spiritual realm; one who is apparently sensitive to supernatural forces and influences; a medium. It breaks my heart to shreds knowing she will never understand the Bible and the Word of God when it comes to this even though she says she has read the Bible. For one to read the Bible, does not mean , you are instantly saved or you have a place in Heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ. To read the Bible means you are striving to have and maintain a closer relationship with Christ.
Nevertheless, please look up the definition of tarot cards if you are unsure of their purpose. I would love to give you the Biblical meaning of why we should not dangle in this type of witchcraft, black magic, etc. Here goes: For decades and since early times, people have sought supernatural experiences that God did not endorse. The nations that surrounded the Promised Land were saturated with those who practices divination or sorcery, etc. God has stern words for His people concerning any involvement with them.
Deuteronomy 18:9-12 says, “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.
Isaiah 8:19 says, “When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” Exactly. Why? When we follow those words to their logical conclusion, we could also ask, “Why seek any power apart from the source of all real power? Exactly. Why? Why seek spirits who are not the Holy Spirit?” Witchcraft and its many counterparts promise spirituality, yet lead only to emptiness and death (Micah 5:12; Galatians 5:19-21). Only Jesus has the words of life (John 6:68).
Please pray this person will find and see the light and stop reading tarot cards and stop trying to predict the future. The future cannot be found by reading tarot cards, nor can it be found by a person; only God knows the future. The person seeking another person to read the tarot cards should seek wisdom from the Holy Bible, not from worldly means.
I may not get to my blog each day, but I do pray everyday for various topics and those topics - God helps me with.
Do you ever ponder the following? How would Jesus handle this situation? How am "I" supposed to handle this horrible situation I'm going through? Why did this happen to "me"? These are all questions that can be answered by reading the Bible and praying to our Heavenly Father.
There are so many circumstances that breeze through our hair that sometimes stop us in our track. If you are not familiar with the way God wants 'you' to 'handle' a certain situation that may cross 'your' path, please do not try to do it alone. God wants us to want Him. God created us in his image and we are to go to Him for all of our needs and it is a need when you are going through something you had not planned on going through.
Dear Heavenly, Glorious, Wonderful Father God,
I praise you! I lift up your name to the Heavens and pray many will come to you in their time of need. I pray for all those people on the planet who do not know you. I pray for all those people who wish they knew you, but are unsure how to go about knowing you. I pray you will send someone to come into their life to teach them the ways of righteousness. I pray they will turn their life over to you, Father God.
In Christ's Holy name I Pray,
Every morning I arise at 5:00 a.m. to start my day, except for Saturday's of course - that is a day where God allows me to rest and sleep in when my husband and I haven't planned a hiking trip to some gorgeous waterfall that is. Thank you God for allowing me this day each week for this opportunity.. I had a long commute to Atlanta and God helps me to make the best of the drive. I listened to 3 different pastors who preach three different sermons and my car is now a sanctuary of tranquility. However, the distractions came when drivers zip past me exceeding the speed limit and I take a moment to pray for them, their safety, and their family. Then when traffic comes to a grid lock stop due to an accident, even if I never see the aftermath of that or any accident, I pray for the lives of those involved. Traffic and a long commute does not have to be a horrible thing. A person can always make the best of the experience with a little ingenuity and creativity to help break the monotony of a long distance commute.
Dear Heavenly Father,
YOU blessed me with this job, yet as you know I have been praying for another opportunity where with your love, guidance and encouragement I can really make a huge difference in child's life, in an adult's life; in anyone's life who will listen to the Gospel; an opportunity where I can be challenged, speak with believers and non believers, where I lead others as well as myself to continue to be drawn to the Word on a continual basis, and lead others to Christ. If this opportunity is in your Will, gracious Father God, then your Will - will be done.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
9 May 2015
I cannot believe I have not made the time to write on my blog for almost a year. Life sure does fly when you are having fun. I would love to be able to sit here and share all the blessings God has showered my family and I with, but I have great things to do for God's glory. For starters, I need to pray for our country, pray for one of my client's brother's as he struggles with lung cancer, pray for the family who lost their lives in a recent plane crash, pray for lost souls, pray for missions, pray for faith to be found in Heavenly Father by those who have lost hope and pray peace among our nations.
Dear Heavenly Father,
There are many people all across this globe who need You! I pray you will guide me to lead others to you. I pray you will help the sick, the wounded, the lost and those who are struggling. I pray you will touch the life of that special someone who is going through a divorce. She has lost her way and she needs You. Help give me the right words to say to her to comfort her as she struggles to find peace.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
17 May 2014
My husband and I visit with our son often; more times than I actually post photographs on Facebook from my Instagram account - we visit with Shane. I realized several years ago that we are the only two people on this earth who visit with Shane on a regular basis. We do our very best to bring happiness into Shane's life any way we possibly can. We always want to see Shane happy!
In the past, I have asked friends to go with me to Shane's to see him, get to know him and spend time with us, yet each time I ask, they simply cannot. I'm not complaining. I understand. Everyone has a life just as we do...I love my close friends; they are God's gift to me - just as Shane is God's gift to me. My closest friends are the ones I cherish; the ones I confide in on those incredibly rare occasions, and the ones who take the time to comment on the photographs of Shane that I actually post on Facebook.
I realized a few years ago as I watched my friends post photographs of their children who are growing into young adults - getting their drivers license, going on their first date, getting ready for their prom, getting ready for their wedding, and now, today, most of those young adults have a family and have given their parents grandchildren...Those young adults have embarked on their journey into formal adulthood. I am so blessed to be able to see my friend's children grow into adults - loving parents, wonderful children to their own parents, outstanding citizens of our community, and I pray for them that if they have not found God that they do find Him and seek His will for their life...
Shane graduated high school and I had began saving for him to go to college long before he ever entered this world...And, yet I will never see Shane go on his first date, get married to the love of his life, have children of his very own, or give Jeffrey and I our first grandchild. All of those wonderful life experiences was not in God's plan. Instead, the life experiences that were in God's plan was for me to see the miracle that Shane gives to life daily, more of what Shane gives to my life; honest, pure, happiness to know I have a son who, if he could, he would get married, have his first child and give me my first grandchild. This is what a mother dreams of throughout the course of her life. Yet, as I mentioned, God has different plans in mind.
Shane's bright existence, his authentic smile, and his classic pureness was God's plan was for me to see each and every day. I miss Shane terribly when I'm not with him. I constantly yearn to be with him, to call him, to make sure he's happy...I'm certain other mother's see their own flesh and blood in the same light; however, from my own perspective, life is different with Shane and I would not want any other life but the life God has given me.
Shane has helped me grow into the person God intended, to see life through a different set of eyes (when I can find my glasses that is), to look at life from a different perspective, to live life as it comes, to live life to the fullest, to not complain about what I do not have, but to rejoice and appreciate what God gave Shane, me and Jeffrey - a life with a young man whom we will always cherish. We will always make sure Shane is happy, and we will fight the good fight for his rights during our journey to do so.
There is absolutely no telling where my life would be if I did not have Shane in my life. Maybe I would have served our country, landed that dream job with the National Geographic as a photojournalist or the New York Times as a crime reporter, yet regardless, God gave me Shane to save me from a life that I know today would not have made me happy. The life I have today makes me very happy. I have never been able to do any of what I've done for Shane without God's guidance, without His push and His Love...Without God, I am nothing. Without Shane, I am nothing. Without Jeffrey, I am nothing.
I thank God for giving me Shane. All our joys are different from another family's life. All the struggles we have been through in our life are different from another family's life. Everyone's life is different.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Today and always, I pray for the parents of young adults whom I know and whom I do not know. I pray for the young adults who have their entire life staring them straight in the face. I pray the young adults put God first in their life. I pray each of them make the right choices in their life. I pray their journey is a ride of pureness that makes them happy; as if they are being licked in the face by their first puppy and they giggle uncontrollably, (yes even the young men - giggle uncontrollably - you'll be glad you did). I pray those young adults always have work to keep them busy. I pray their work is prosperous and brings them food to be placed on the table. I pray for their happiness. I pray for their parents happiness and most of all I pray each of those young adults who are either still in school or are about to leave their momma's nest, will always remember where they came from and who loves them more than life itself - Jesus does. He died for you and for me. I pray each adult; young or old never forget's that...
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
1 May 2014
I haven't been posting on this particular blog due to 'time' constraints; however, I am here now, just as God is here now - with me. Today marks the 63rd Annual National Day of Prayer, and I have been reaching out to God all day; praying for people I have never prayed for, praying for opportunities to slap me upside my existence, and praying for many other issues that trouble me from time-to-time. Let us UNITE in prayer as 'one' on this day and every single day!
Not a day goes by where I do not pray over the many blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family. I am humbled by the compassion of life that has proven itself to me. I am humbled by grace, and I am humbled by gratitude.
I love Father God and for many, many years and for all those moments He has shown himself to me, I would like to thank HIM! I cannot even begin to share all the times He has pulled me through one storm after another, and as I sit here with tears in my eyes and the emotions are surging through my body, I simply cannot express enough to Him how much I love Him for all He has done for me. I praise you, God. I love you, God. I trust in You, God and whatever Your will is for me - I will be forever grateful for the lesson you bestow to me. I will be right here waiting for Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for all Your creature that You created. Dear Gracious Heavenly Father, bring peace over our world. Allow God to come back into our government. Allow God to come back into our schools; instead of a moment of silence; allow a moment of prayer. Lord, give parents the knowledge they need to raise Your children. The children of today are our future and we are responsible for them. Lord, I pray for the President of the U.S. I pray for those in need. I pray for those who have a sickness. I pray for those who oversee our First Baptist Church of Covington; Pastor Cody, Pastor Josh, Pastor Ralph, Pastor Tim, Pastor Charles and Pastor Matt as well as all the staff and volunteers who help our Church. I pray for the pastors of all other Churches. I pray for abundant grace.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
9 January 2014
There comes a point in a person's life where one must stop and realize there is a higher power other than ourselves. Once that realization sets in, a person must begin their journey to claim ownership of what they should have done years ago. I'm speaking of becoming a member of a church - not just any church, but a church where families gather together under one roof to worship one God, my God, our God, our King of King, our Lord of Lords. Normally a person will visit several churches before becoming a member. Visiting churches is an incredibly rewarding adventure. I have met so many wonderful people while on my journey to find the one that fits me just right. God will lead the way. I trust in Him...
9 December 2013
The most important gift of all that we have been blessed with is to begin the celebration of our precious son, Shane's 28th birthday. The bang of a large birthday celebration is on hold for various private reasons. God knows those reasons and He is in the process of working those out for the betterment of our family.
The doctor's gave our family their opinion after Shane's birth and those feelings were bleak which made my family PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and PRAY more than ever before. Shane has proven those doctors wrong and with much prayer, help and assistance from angels up above, and angels here on earth, Shane is experiencing life to the best of his sweet ability.
God blessed me with Shane and life as I knew it changed the moment I gave birth to my only child. The responsibility of caring for a newborn baby who was very sick turned a switch on inside me, and I vowed to take care of him in the very best way I could. I fight for him each day and I pray for him most every second of every waking moment. Our family is faced with so many challenges, but we face each one head on and today I'm learning to face them with peace in mind and with God's guidance and assurance that He is there for me and He will help me take care of Shane.
Shane has taught me patience, how to have more faith in Jesus, and to love everyone unconditionally. What a combination! And, the joy of having all those taught to me by my precious son who adores Jesus, and the smile on his precious face when I speak with him about our Dear Heavenly Father is enough to warm the hardest of hearts. I am sad that we cannot take Shane to Church with us and hopefully one day that will change so Shane can experience God's word and God's house again.
Our life has been a struggle with Shane's illnesses, and he has been hospitalized so many times, but bless his sweet heart, we are so blessed to have the power of prayer to help him overcome each illness. Life can be about struggles or it can be about putting your faith in a higher power and our higher power is in our sweet Lord above. No matter how rough times get, I have to always remind myself to stop and say, "God has this," and then my prayers are put at God's feet for Him to handle for me. I can't travel on this journey without God and I pray each day nobody is ever put through the struggles our family has to endure.
I feel God gave me Shane for a reason and even though I feel it is not up to me to figure out that reason or those reasons, God knows why. Yet, honestly it does not matter why. It use to matter and I use to try to figure it all out, but as I began to accept the circumstances of my son's life and his illness, I have come to realize that as long as I have Shane, I have all that I need in him and all that I need in Christ Jesus.
Happy Birthday to my sweet and precious angel son, Shane.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Today, I pray that each family knows their blessings in their children, whether their children has an illness that can be cured or not. Dear Lord, forgive those parents who turn their backs on their children for reasons that only you and they may know. Touch their lives sweet Jesus and bless them dear Lord.
Thank you for those abundant blessings you have given our family and other families in this huge world we all live in.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
5 December 2013
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
This time of year makes me truly wish my parents and brother were still with us. They are in Heaven rejoicing with Jesus each day we live and breathe here on earth. What wonderful days they are having!
21 November 2013
This is a prayer by Korie from Duck Dynasty and was taken from The Duck Commander Devotional book... "Lord, please help me to be more pure in heart. At some point in our lives, we start judging the outside of people. We forget that each man or woman is someone's son or daughter, a child of God. But I see someone who is different than I am, whether because of clothing style, skin color, religion, or something else, I pray I will be more childlike in my heart. I pray for all those struggling with illness and difficulty. I pray this through Jesus, amen."
November 19, 2013, marked the date that I married my best friend at one of my favorite places on earth - the southern Tennessee mountains. I do not know what I would do with my better half; he makes me a better person and certainly keeps me grounded. I trust him with my life and with my son's life.
We celebrated our joyous occasion by taking our son to his doctor's appointment. Of course we enjoy spending time with our son and big deal - he had to see his doctor on our anniversary - this seemed to be really the only way we could include Shane on our 'special' day - long story... Anyway, doctor appointments can sometimes be incredibly stressful for our family. I found myself sending emails and editing emails for my husband on our son's behalf, and then suddenly realized that I should be spending time with my son instead while I had him there with me. So, I stopped sending those emails until after he was heading toward his home.
I felt such peace yesterday at this appointment even though the sheer chaos that was going on around me would have normally forced me into a different zone. I feel I felt this peace because I have been on a quest to find a Church home. I have been visiting this one particular Church for about 2 weeks and recently met with the Pastor of the Church - what a momentous meeting that was. I learned so much about the Church that I was not even aware of. I had visited a Church in a neighboring town last year for maybe 8-10 months and the distance was taking a toll on my old Honda. I then did not attend Church for about 7 months and I missed it terribly. So now I'm on a quest to find a Church home and Jeffrey wishes he could join me, but his work schedule has prohibited him from doing so. This journey is very exciting because I am meeting some fabulous people along the way.
Dear precious Heavenly Father,
I pray Jeffrey and I can find a Church home; a place where we can worship your holy name, receive the love only Your people can give and where the word is taught on a very regular basis. I pray You guide us to this place and we can be a part of their family.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
19 October 2013
Today was a perfect day for a hike into the Blood Mountain Wilderness on the outskirts of Dahlonega, GA, where I escorted two other hikers into an area of waterfalls where neither of them had been before, so we could take photographs to capture God's magnificent splendor in nature. We had an overcast sky, (which is perfect to take waterfall shots), cool temperatures, a filling, delicious breakfast, then to top it off, Dahlonega was holding it's Gold Rush Days weekend. We felt truly blessed when we arrived back from our hike and actually found a parking space. Nevertheless, a few hundred people were draped like human curtains along the streets watching the parade. We decided to join in on the festivities and all three of us got to witness the artistic workings of over 300 arts and craft exhibitors who made shawls, scarves, trinkets, wooden holiday signs, excellent smelling candles, etc. as artists were busy chatting and selling underneath their booths in the Public Square and Historic District of Dahlonega.
My husband and I would truly enjoy living in Dahlonega where there always seems to be an abundance of activities going on in this part of the state.
Dahlonega is such a peaceful place and it's no wonder many tourists visit there every weekend. God has a plan for us and we hope our final retirement destination (many years from now) will put us in Dahlonega on top of a mountain surrounded by at least 10 acres of land with goats, a few cows, two horses and many Alaskan Klee Kai to keep us busy.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
4 October 2013
On October 4, 1992, twenty-one years ago today, my precious, sweet mother left this earth to join angels in Heaven. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you.
I miss your comforting hugs, your smile, your sweet nature and most of the all, I miss the love you gave to our family. Thank you for teaching me to be the best mother I can possibly be and for everything else you ever gave me.
We miss and love you dearly, momma!
3 August 2013
It is so incredibly refreshing for someone to finally say to me, "You have every right to question anything where your son is concerned," instead of someone refusing to answer my questions. It is so incredibly refreshing for someone to put my son first and to put our family first. It is so incredibly refreshing for someone to work with our family, instead of against our family. It will be such a blessing to have finally found a person who will take excellent, honest care of my son. I cannot wait for that day to arrive. Thank you, Jesus for prayers being answered.
7 July 2013
I have discovered something within my soul that wishes to go on a journey. This journey will change my life forever. This journey will not be complicated; it will be life altering. The below poem seems fitting for such a journey.
22 May 2013
Life can be tough at times. I am no super woman, but I manage to get through life's obstacles as I walk beside God. When my son has an issue that I need to deal with for him, I often try to resolve 'other' problems for him before they arise by trying to think outside the box on his behalf. In his eyes - I am super woman. I make things happen for him. I pray for him daily. I put situations that I cannot handle or bear at my Lord's feet and most times I try my best to listen to what God is telling me - after all I'm only human and sometimes I think I can handle it; however, in actuality, I cannot handle one thing without the support of my personal Lord and Savior. My son knows that I work hard for him. He knows I love him like there's no tomorrow and he knows I would give my life for him, so off I go to work for my son with God's helping hand and grace. I trust in God.
Shane is the way he is and that was God's intention - for Shane to be pure wholesomeness - not a sinner, not a liar or a cheater; not a bad person; just a pure person. I sin more than my son will ever know of sin; I am not perfect, nor am I a saint. I will never claim to be a saint at all - ever. I struggle daily with my life , yet with God all things are possible and sometimes as I reflect on life, I get a little upset with myself for not realizing this long before I actually did.
Again, I'm not a saint. I am human and I do get angry when someone purposely and deliberately does the 'wrong' thing when it comes to my son's health, welfare and safety, and for the life of the myself, I cannot understand the thought process of some who are supposed to be taking care of my son. Care - that is the key word. The operative words are, 'taking care of..." Oh glory...I have to stop...Going off on a tangent in my mind, is bringing drama into the situation and I have to learn what is done is done. I cannot change the past. I can only do my best to help make the future better for my precious, innocent son.
My precious angel, Shane.
Jeffrey, Shane and I at Fernbank Museum of Natural History for Shane's 26th birthday celebration.
Jeffrey pushing Shane around before his doctor appointment. The above and below images were taken with my cell phone - not the best shots in the world, but a good ones nonetheless...
23 April 2013
I pray daily and yet it seems like forever since I posted here. I am one busy person and I thank my God for keeping me busy. I was recently honored with a phone call to photograph the Tour d'Oconee Bike Ride for the third year in a row and I am so thankful to have this opportunity granted to me once again.
I also recently photographed the 20th Reunion for Camp Twin Lakes. That was a huge success and a huge blast. More later...my pillow is calling my name.
7 November 2012
As I have grown over time, I have noticed that my interest in some politics is one where I listen to both sides of issues instead of just cover my ears. I cannot control what took place last night, and neither can anyone else; however, as I awoke this morning, I realized even more than ever, that I can control my trust and my faith in my God! I can lay everything at His feet; Trust, Believe and have Faith He will take care of me and my family. Agree if you wish. Disagree if you wish – both are your right as a citizen of the United States of America!
When all other presidents won the election, there were those who did not want that ‘one’ to win; they did not trust that ‘one’ and they did not have faith in that ‘one’. Yet, each led our country to the best of his ability during his presidency. Sure, in my humble opinion, there were issues that ‘one’ could have done better regarding his decisions to turn every corner with zeal or with patients to man; however history is always played out according to God’s plan.
No matter the color of your skin, your religious beliefs, your standpoint on how things should be ran by the President of the United States of America, believe we still live in a country where our freedom’s as U.S. citizens still mean more today than they did before they were enacted. We should unite as ‘one’; believe that this may be the best of times and yet also believe that the worst of times will end when we join our Heavenly Father on that glorious day. Turn your other cheek toward God. Believe He will see us through the best and worst of times.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “That we hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are Created Equal, that they are Endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…” (I say here and now that even though all men are [supposed to be] created equal – all men are not the same. We are all different and everyone has a right to freedom of choice).
Let us UNITE in prayer as 'one'!
Dear Heavenly Father,
We, the people of the United States of America, come together in prayer for our nation. We thank You for inspiring our forefathers to establish our nation with You as our head. Stir our hearts to repentance and help us to restore Your values in our families, our government and our nation.
We pray for Truth to prevail, for our children to turn from Satan and Wisdom for our leaders; that they will make decisions based on what Your Son, Christ Jesus taught us.
We believe in Your words, that if we pray for our nation, humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, You will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. (2nd Chronicles 7:14)
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
30 August 2012
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for the children of this world. Lord, give parents the knowledge they need to raise respectable children. The children of today are our future.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
8 August 2012
"Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity." - Ephesians 4:26-27
It is such a challenge every single day that we humans live and breathe to NOT sin. When you read the last part of the scripture above, "and do not give the devil an opportunity," we need to remember to REBUKE the devil from our life. It is challenging though because sin is all around us. No matter how hard we try to avoid it, it is always there. We should learn to hold our tongues, and do our best to force a positive line of thinking even when we are angry.
The devil is just waiting to hiss at us for an opportunity to go to bed mad. "Go to bed mad," he says..."Oh yes go to bed mad and give me an opportunity." That just sends shivers down my spine.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to follow Your example and live a life full of grace. Sometimes it is so hard to show grace to those closest to me. Help me. I don't want to give the devil any opportunities in my marriage, my relationships with my child, or in my friendships.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
7 August 2012
"The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge but the mouth of the fool gushes folly." Proverbs 15:2.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
Dear Heavenly Father,
I know You are not a God of love. Teach me to hold my tongue and trust in You when I am frustrated. I want to be able to take insults from those who who feel the need to condemn me even if the insults should not be warranted, and leave the criticism that is hurtful, but I know that only through You can I do this without the weight of condemnation. Thank You for Your gentle conviction and patience with me.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
6 August 2012
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) - I adore this verse. It reminds me so much of how when I was growing up and would even attempt to tell a fib, my heart would ping at me and force me to tell the truth. The truth is all around us, just as God is all around us. When we seek the truth, we find goodness in everyday life. Life is about allowing the truth to become of our being, allowing us to seek God's promise and allowing us to be in His arms so he can nurture us and touch our life with his promise.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for setting me free! You took my pain and turned it into purpose. You took my hurt and turned it into hope. You took my fear and turned it into faith. Thank you, O Lord, for setting my feet to dancing and my voice to singing Your praise!
In Christ's Holy name I pray...
3 August 2012
According to recent statistics, I will make 5,000 decisions today. In the 5,000 decisions you make today, how many of them will be choice points? Choice points are seemingly insignificant decisions yet they lead us in one direction or another.
- I could choose time with my Heavenly Father, or push that time to another day... again. I want to spend time with Him, so I WILL!
- I could choose to create drama with someone who hurt me or ignore it. ALL situations are set on IGNORE.
- I could choose to react in anger over something really petty or just forget about it. I will forget it ever happened.
Each day is about the challenges God sets before us. How we handle each challenge is our testimony to Him whether we realize it or not.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I feel overwhelmed by all my choices at times and it makes me feel horrible. I get upset, my heart races and then poof, I feel peace after a prayer. Today as I make my own 5000 decisions, walk with me, remind me of how my choices affect others and help me choose wisely.
In Christ's Holy name I pray...